Experience Diversity

Did you get admitted to a graduate program at UC Berkeley? Consider attending an Experience Diversity webinar to help envision what choosing Berkeley might mean for you.

Experience Diversity 2024 is now over, but you can still watch the recordings.

Watch the Recordings
P2P participants

What is it?

Experience Diversity is a series of live-streamed and on-demand webinars that will orient you to the Berkeley experience. Though designed with newly admitted graduate students who are underrepresented in higher education in mind, Experience Diversity webinars are open to all admitted graduate students, including masters and professional.

You'll have the opportunity to: 

  • Ask questions and get the information you need to make your decision
  • Be in community with current students from historically underrepresented backgrounds and learn about their graduate student experiences
  • Learn about housing options and navigating the best resources
  • Gain insights about financial aid and funding opportunities
  • Discover essential and unique campus services and resources
  • Get excited about creating your community, and public service opportunities
  • Get a taste for the phenomenal scholarship of our faculty members

How to participate

Over 10 Experience Diversity 2024 webinars will be hosted March 4 – 15, 2024. In order to participate, you should be a newly admitted student. Interested attendees will need to register for each webinar session. 

If you are unable to attend live webinars, links to recordings will be provided.

Watch the Recordings

2024 Experience Diversity Schedule

Monday, March 4, 12 – 1:00pmDiversity @ Cal Featuring keynote speaker, Dean Lisa García Bedolla, join us for an introduction to the Office for Graduate Diversity and campus resources.
Tuesday, March 5, 12 – 1:00pmChoosing a Graduate ProgramThe mechanics of choosing the right program for you.
Wednesday, March 6, 11am – 12:00pmThe Minoritized Graduate Student Experience @ CalA cross-disciplinary student panel of the experience as a graduate student underrepresented in the academy.
Wednesday, March 6, 1 – 2:00pmSupporting Disabled Graduate StudentsDemystifying the graduate student experience and introduction to campus resources for graduate students with disabilities.
Thursday, March 7, 11am – 12:00pmUndocumented @ CalAn introduction to resources and demystifying the graduate experience for undocumented graduate students.
Thursday, March 7, 1 – 2:00pmNative @ CalAn introduction to the American Indian Graduate Program and graduate student panel.
Friday, March 8, 11am – 12:00pmDiversity in STEM @ Cal A student panel facilitated by STEM*FYI on resources, support, and navigating STEM fields.
Monday, March 11, 11 – 12:00pmFGLI (First Gen/Low-income) @ CalA student panel facilitated by graduate student founder, Yakira Mirabito on navigating the FGLI experience as a Cal graduate student.
Monday, March 11, 1 – 2:00pmGraduate Student WellnessDr. Honigman and the graduate Peer Support Providers will introduce resources and tips for maintaining holistic wellness throughout the graduate experience.
Tuesday, March 12, 11am – 12:00pmFunding 101: Master’s EditionThe Fellowships office will provide an overview of funding offers and opportunities for Master’s and professional students.
Tuesday, March 12, 1 - 2:00pmRelocating as an International StudentJoin us alongside the Berkeley International Office to gain an overview of resources available for International students at Cal.
Wednesday, March 13, 11 – 12:00pmFunding 101: PhD EditionThe Fellowships office will provide an overview of funding offers and opportunities for PhD students.
Wednesday, March 13, 1 - 2:00pmNavigating the Housing SearchLearn more about campus resources to help you navigate housing at Cal.
Thursday, March 14, 12 – 1:00pmEngaging with Diverse FacultyInsights from faculty across the disciplines demystifying the journey through graduate school at Berkeley and engaging faculty relationships from the faculty perspective.
Friday, March 15,12 – 1:00pmCommunity ConnectionsThe Public Service Center discusses opportunities for and value in connecting and growing beyond the Berkeley campus.


If you are curious about other resources available to Berkeley students, our resources page is a good start.

If you have any questions about Experience Diversity, accessing these events, or if you require special accommodations in order to fully participate, please reach out to us at [email protected].

Hoping to Connect Sooner?

Consider setting up an appointment with one of our Diversity and Community Fellows! 

Our Fellows are current graduate students whose unifying mission is to support the development of an inclusive graduate learning community by enhancing the cultural, academic, and professional experiences of historically underrepresented students. By meeting with them, you will have the opportunity to receive general information about the Berkeley experience directly from the student!