Lisa García Bedolla

Supporting Our AAPI Community

Dear Graduate Student Community, I wanted to take this opportunity to communicate the heartbreak and outrage that I, and others in our…

Grad Slam 2021 Berkeley Graduate Division

Watch Our First-Ever Virtual Grad Slam!

Watch seven graduate student semi-finalists compete to be the Berkeley Champion! We’re thrilled to announce that Adélaïde Bernard was awarded first place in the…

student wearing sunglasses

Join the Graduate Division as we #GoBigforGrads during this year’s Big Give! 

On Thursday, March 11, UC Berkeley’s annual 24-hour fundraising campaign kicks off and we could use your help. Big Give, designed to celebrate all that makes Berkeley special, provides thousands of alumni, current students, parents, faculty, staff, and friends an opportunity to show some school spirit and support Cal for years to come.