Apply to the LA Review of Books Summer Publishing Workshop Many graduate students will opt for careers beyond academia, but may not immediately know what kind of non-academic careers fit their interests, goals, and skills. Career exploration is a key step in not only broadening your knowledge of career possibilities, but also reflecting on your values and motivations.
Finding Community and Accountability in GradPro’s Check-In Groups The start of a new academic year often brings feelings of both promise and overwhelm. That's where GradPro's check-in groups come in.
Develop Your Presentation Skills through Grad Slam! Last spring, Victoria Chevée, a final year Ph.D. candidate in molecular and cell biology, now a postdoctoral fellow at the Pasteur Institute in Paris (France), became Berkeley's 2024 Grad Slam Champion for her presentation, "A Bacterium's Journey: From Guts to Brain." Victoria went on to compete against the nine other campus champions across the UC system. In this Q&A, Victoria talks about her experience with Grad Slam and her recommendations to other graduate students who might want to participate in the competition this year or in the future.
Tips for Establishing a Daily Writing Routine Students often single out finding time to write as one of the key time-management challenges of graduate school. With the various responsibilities of being a graduate student, including teaching, seminars, and conferences, writing can often fall by the wayside. A key strategy for combating resistance to writing is learning how to establish a daily writing routine.
Making the Most of Your Winter Break for Professional Development Winter break is finally here—a chance to take a breather after a hectic semester. But it can also be a strategic moment to invest in your professional growth. Without the usual demands of classes, research, or teaching, you have the space to think about your next steps, build new skills, and refocus on your career goals. Here’s how to make the most of your time off.
Start Thinking about Your Three-Minute Thesis Talk for Grad Slam! Each year, GradPro hosts a campuswide Grad Slam event in which up to 10 graduate students present their research in three-minute talks and compete for monetary prizes and the chance to represent Berkeley at the UC systemwide Grad Slam event in late spring.
Five Tips to Make the Most of Handshake as a Graduate Student In recent years, graduate students have found themselves navigating a dynamic job market that can make exploring and preparing for careers challenging. Handshake is a key tool that graduate students can use to ease this process.
Prepare for Future Careers with Skill Development Courses this Spring Take a look outside of your department for course offerings that will help you round out your skill set.
Enhance Your Academic Writing and Mentoring Skills through Two Outstanding Spring Courses Registration for Spring 2025 classes will begin soon for courses hosted by our Graduate Student Professional Development Program. These will help you target the specific skills you wish to develop.
Meet the GSI Teaching & Resource Center’s Peer Teaching Consultants and Postdoc Fellows! Meet with a member of our GSI Teaching & Resource Center to discuss any aspect of teaching, arrange for a consultant to observe your class, or get feedback on a course you are designing or teaching-related materials you are preparing for the academic job search.
Discover Professional Development Opportunities Across Campus After a much-needed summer break, the fall semester is in full swing! Whether you're just starting out, planning your post-grad life, or somewhere in the middle, we're here to help.
Meet Our GradPro Team GradPro staff members are here to support you as you navigate your graduate program, career planning, job search, and beyond. Here at…
Start a Career in the Federal Government or in Leadership as a Presidential Management Fellow Are you a graduate student or postdoc interested in getting experience in federal service or leadership? Will you finish your advanced degree before the end of August 2025, or did you obtain it between September 2022 and September 2024? If you answered yes to both of these questions, you should know about the Presidential Management Fellows (PMF) program!
Essential Summer Reading for Graduate Students For many graduate students, the summer months are an important time for self-directed reading and other tasks that have taken a backseat over the fall and spring semesters. Regardless of your stage in your graduate program, consider adding one or two books to your summer reading list this year that will help advance your professional development goals.
Victoria Chevee is Berkeley’s 2024 Grad Slam Champion! On Tuesday, April 9, eight Berkeley graduate students selected as semi-finalists competed in the annual Grad Slam competition. Each student presented their…
Develop Your Presentation Skills through Grad Slam! Last spring, Madison Browne, now a fifth-year Ph.D. student in psychology became Berkeley's 2023 Grad Slam Champion for her presentation, "Shedding Light on Alzheimer's Disease." Madison went on to compete against the nine other campus champions across the UC system.
Why You Should Join a Check-in Group for Spring 2024 Starting the week of January 29, GradPro will be running a series of weekly Check-In Groups designed to help you set attainable goals and access resources and support.
Mentoring Course for Graduate Students With the variety of courses being offered in the Spring 2024 semester, it can be overwhelming to figure out which to take. We encourage you to enroll in GSPDP 301, Effective Mentoring in Higher Education. This seminar will help guide graduate students as they mentor undergraduates at Berkeley, work in the context of a mentoring relationship with their graduate advisers, and prepare for the mentoring they will do in future academic and non-academic careers.
GSI Teaching Preparation for Spring 2024 Are you planning to teach as a GSIs for the first time in the Spring 2024 semester? If so, please take note of steps you are required to take before the semester begins and during the semester.
Announcing the Newly Revised Graduate Student Professional Development Guide Not sure what steps to take to advance your professional development? Follow this essential and newly revised Professional Development Guide on how to develop the key competencies of career and professional development. These competencies are broadly relevant, helping you develop skills that are valued highly across diverse career paths.