Come to GradFest 2018 for free food, fun activities, and more!
Finding Things to Do This Winter Break
How do you find out about local events and things to do? Here are some of our favorite guides and blogs.
Come to GradFest 2018 for free food, fun activities, and more!
How do you find out about local events and things to do? Here are some of our favorite guides and blogs.
Research from the Greater Good Science Center shows the benefits of practicing gratitude.
The Basic Needs Security Coalition presents a week of fundraising and promoting awareness about basic needs insecurity.
Learn more about your eligibility for food assistance through CalFresh's enrollment clinic.
Take a special someone or have fun with a group of friends at this special event!
Get to know mental health and counseling resources from UC and University Health Services.
Learn more about Financial Wellness resources and workshops for graduate students.
Women's conference themes focus on inclusion and collaboration across difference.
April is National Sexual Assault Awareness Month and this year’s theme aptly reminds us to engage new voices in SVSH prevention education.
The UC Berkeley Basic Needs Security Committee launches its website, highlighting resources for food, housing, and financial wellness.
A Spring series of workshops to help students get re-acquainted with campus resources.
Learn about the unique arts, cultural, and culinary experiences available around Berkeley.
GSPA advocates for graduate student parents and develops programs to support their academic and personal success.
EECS Peers is a network of upper level graduate students in the Department of Electrical Engineering and Computer Sciences. They serve as a resource to students who are navigating issues with classes, advisors, exams, stress, and conflict.
Learn more about UC Berkeley's efforts to manage student hunger on campus.
UC Berkeley’s hub for leadership development, student involvement, and co-curricular advising is ready to assist your graduate student organization.
This year’s New Graduate Student Orientation (NGSO) drew the largest attendance in recent history, welcoming 1,100+ new graduate and professional students over the course of the day.
As the official representative government for Berkeley graduate students, the Graduate Assembly (GA) provides critical services to UC Berkeley graduate students.
Learn more about Berkeley Rec Sports and their new initiatives for the Fall!