The Basic Ne

eds Security Coalition is hosting a CalFresh enrollment clinic for graduate and professional students:

CalFresh Enrollment Super Clinic
Friday, October 20, 2017 | 2:45-4:00pm
Multicultural Community Center
MLK Jr. Student Union, 2nd Floor

Representatives from the Alameda County Community Food Bank will lead attendees through the application process and be on-hand to assist with individual questions. Please plan to bring a laptop or tablet to the event. 

​Recent CA Assembly Bills ​have made CalFresh more inclusive for graduate and professional student enrollment. If you are a registered student working a minimum of 20 hours per week or 80 hours per month, you may be eligible for CalFresh based on your household income​. Additionally, certain types of University and federal support may not count toward income. Advisors will be present to help answer individual questions.
​Other things to bring:
  • ​Class schedule or enrollment verification
  • Rent or lease agreement
  • ID card (CA license, Cal1 Card)​
  • ​Pay stubs covering last 4 weeks​
  • Social Security Number (physical card not needed)

CalFresh, also known as the Supplemental Nutrition Assistance Program (SNAP), can help you stretch your monthly budget! CalFresh promotes the health and well-being of qualified students (including graduate and professional students) by providing food dollars each month to buy fresh fruit, vegetables, whole grains, and other healthy foods.

Benefits are distributed to a special EBT card that can be used like a debit card at many of the major chain grocery stores including Costco and Trader Joe’s. The Berkeley Student Food Collective also takes EBT.

Some area Farmers Markets also accept CalFresh benefits, and some Farmers Markets participate in the Market Match, which matches the amount you spend at the farmers market. Click here to find participating locations.

Below is the new income eligibility:

Income eligibility info