SAAM logoEngaging graduate and professional students to develop and implement sexual violence and sexual harassment (SVSH) prevention efforts is critical to meeting the community’s unique and diverse needs. To this end, the PATH to Care Center leads UC Berkeley’s prevention, advocacy, training, and healing efforts related to sexual violence and harassment (inclusive of sexual assault, stalking, and intimate partner violence).

The PATH to Care Center aims to leverage primary prevention strategies to transform culture and social norms in order to prevent violence and eliminate all forms of oppression. By equipping the UC Berkeley community with the skills to prevent, intervene, and respond to concerns of harassment and violence, the PATH to Care Center develops leaders who contribute to the culture and environment that we all aspire to and deserve.

The PATH to Care Center also provides advocacy and healing services for survivors and those who care for survivors.

How can graduate students get involved in SVSH prevention?

We know that preventing the serious and widespread issue of sexual violence and sexual harassment requires a far-reaching, long-term, collaborative, and comprehensive community effort. There are many ways in which graduate students can create and maintain an environment which promotes positive social norms, kindness, and respect and where sexual violence and harassment are contrary to the shared norms of the community. For example, consider:

  • Engaging peers and colleagues in conversations to identify appropriate interventions aimed at reducing harmful language and behavior
  • Gaining skills to become a co-facilitator for prevention education for new graduate students in your department
  • Becoming a member of PATH to Care’s Student Advisory Committee and ensure that the graduate and professional student perspectives are expressed. Contact our office to learn more: [email protected]
  • Infusing prevention-related content into your own curriculum, syllabi, and classroom norms

Want to learn more?

Check out Sexual Assault Awareness Month events on campus and nationally. Visit:

For opportunities to get involved in violence prevention, please email us at [email protected] or learn: