Welcome GSIs and GSRs! Find essential instruction resources that will guide and support you as you step into your teaching role at Berkeley. Resources for GSIs GSI Teaching & Resource Center The Graduate Student Instructor Teaching & Resource Center (GSI/TRC), an academic unit of the Graduate Division, is your primary teaching resource portal. There you will find information on conferences, workshops, seminars, confidential consultations, grants, awards, an online teaching guide, and a robust web-based course on professional standards and ethics in teaching. GSI Remote Teaching Hub The new GSI Remote Teaching Hub contains a curated set of training guides on remote instruction tools, best practices, guides on how to use bCourses and Zoom tailored to the needs of GSIs, resources for support and consultation, and campus policies. Academic Employment Resources Graduate Student Appointments The Graduate Student Academic Appointments Handbook contains information about the appointment process for GSIs, GSRs, Readers and Tutors, including academic eligibility, fee remissions processing, leaves and other administrative matters, and how to request exceptions to policy. Expected ASE Job Opportunities The Berkeley People & Culture site lists Expected Academic Student Employee (ASE) Job Opportunities for the semester. You may also browse our Open GSI/GSR Positions webpage.