Graduate Students Educate Sacramento

On June 4th, a group of deans and graduate students from all UC campuses attended the Graduate Research Advocacy Day in Sacramento. They spoke with lawmakers about the value of graduate education to the State of California.

Andrew Szeri

Vote Now on ASUC Referenda

Did you know that graduate students can vote in ASUC elections, happening right now? Check out the referenda that may indeed be of considerable interest to you — and then, vote!

Andrew Szeri

Berkeley’s Stellar Performance in the Latest Rankings

While we have our own internal standards for assessing and maintaining academic quality at Berkeley, it's been gratifying to see that highly regarded national and international measures judge that Berkeley continues to do very well — superbly, in fact.

Andrew Szeri

Help us attract more students like you

Do you know personally any students who have applied to graduate schools and are considering Berkeley among their options? Please share your insider knowledge about your program, the faculty, the courses and the research.

Andrew Szeri

Let us know your good news and ideas

Welcome back! I hope you took time during the holiday break to recharge your batteries and gain some fresh perspectives on your work and your life. As for me, my perspective was altered by a week in rural Cambodia, doing my small part to volunteer with a medical clinic ...

Andrew Szeri

A Graduate Division report card, graded by you

We can always count on you to be very frank and thoughtful. We were on tenterhooks waiting for your survey answers to arrive and be compiled, and let out a big sigh of relief when we saw the results.

Andrew Szeri began serving as Dean of the Graduate Division on July 1st, 2007.

Two words that count: please vote!

My message this time is directed to students who hold U.S. citizenship, and it can be summed up in two words: please vote! A vital first step is registering to vote, and the deadline for that is October 22. Here's how.

SMART participants, Summer 2012

This could be the start of something big

Message from the Dean: What do the afterglow of the Big Bang and the influence of facial hair on 19th-century American presidential politics have in common? The new SMART program, being piloted this summer with graduate students mentoring undergrads in hands-on research.

Andrew Szeri

Think of yourself as a Primary Source

Any day you may find yourself chatting (by phone or email or Facebook or even in person) with a student who is considering coming to Berkeley.

You're here, on the ground. You know the campus from the inside, and you have a unique kind of credibility: you're a student now, doing the very thing your questioner is hoping to do, at one of the most desirable places in the world.

To augment your knowledge of Berkeley's funding and more, we've prepared a detailed overview called Graduate Education at UC Berkeley.

Andrew Szeri

Quite a semester!

It’s been quite a semester. Classwork and research took place along with actions to support our University's core mission and values, and to improve our campus’s operations. In local, state, and national settings, students, faculty, and staff joined to advocate passionately for investing in public education as a common good in a good society.