Andrew Szeri
Andrew Szeri, Graduate Dean

My message this time is directed to students who hold U.S. citizenship, and it can be summed up in two words: please vote!

The first Tuesday in November — which this year is the 6th — will be election day across the country, deciding not only who occupies the top office in the land for the next four years, but state and local positions as well, and issues that will affect you and future generations of students.

A vital step is registering to vote, and the deadline for that is October 22.

Registering to vote is easy to do, simply visit the Voter Registration website. Registering and voting are fundamental rights (some might add, duties) of citizenship, and may be good for you personally: those actions are good indications of your intent to make California your permanent residence (as you can see on the Registrar’s website), which can affect how much you are charged for tuition.

For more information about registering to vote, as well as the issues, arguments, candidates, parties, funding, and trends, see the highly useful collection of links from the CITRIS Data and Democracy Initiative on campus.

Your vote is essential to making a difference in our society!  If you’re ever in doubt, ask anyone — maybe some of your fellow students — who can’t enjoy the privilege of doing so.

Andrew Szeri signature
Andrew J. Szeri
Dean of the Graduate Division