Outstanding GSIs Honored at Award Ceremonies More than 200 GSIs recognized for their exemplary teaching.
Acknowledging the Work of Outstanding GSIs Teaching in Berkeley’s academic departments as a Graduate Student Instructor (GSI) is an invaluable professional development opportunity. Being recognized as one of the University’s finest is an outstanding achievement.
Nominations are Open for the Faculty Award for Outstanding Mentorship of GSIs Are you a GSI who would like to acknowledge the work of a faculty member in helping you learn to teach? If so, we encourage you to nominate that person.
GSIs and Faculty Win Awards for Teaching and Mentorship GSIs and faculty mentors were honored for their excellence with award ceremonies and presentations this spring.
Outstanding Graduate Student Instructors Honored at Annual Award Ceremonies On May 3, 2016, more than 200 GSIs were recognized for their exemplary teaching at the annual Outstanding Graduate Student Instructor (OGSI) Award Ceremony.
Faculty Recognized by Mentorship Awards On April 13, 2016, five faculty members were honored with the Carol D. Soc Distinguished Graduate Student Mentoring Award and Graduate Assembly Faculty Mentor Award.
GSIs and their Teaching Mentors are Celebrated at Spring Award Ceremonies GSIs and faculty mentors were honored for their excellence with various award ceremonies and presentations this spring.
GSIs and Faculty Win Awards for Teaching and Mentorship In recognition of the excellence of Graduate Student Instructors' in teaching undergraduates, as well as the outstanding work of faculty members who mentor those GSIs, the GSI Teaching & Resource Center held three award ceremonies this spring.
Nominations Sought for Faculty Award for Outstanding Mentorship of GSIs — 3/3/2014 GSIs are invited to make nominations for the Spring 2014 Faculty Award for Outstanding Mentorship of GSIs.
Three faculty who’ve been very, very good mentors are “ambushed” with honors Environmental Science, Policy and Management professor Gary Sposito is not fond of having his picture taken. When a friendly deputation invaded his Wheeler Hall classroom earlier this month to surprise him with an honor, his first impulse was to cross his arms in front of his face, not like a perp-walked mob boss, but more reminiscent of an exhausted exorcist facing the ultimate evil.