basic needs logo

UCBe: Basic Needs Secure

The UC Berkeley Basic Needs Security Committee launches its website, highlighting resources for food, housing, and financial wellness.

Graduate Student Resource Series

UCBe: Reoriented

A Spring series of workshops to help students get re-acquainted with campus resources. ​

Roel Dobbe

UCBe: A Peer Mentor

EECS Peers is a network of upper level graduate students in the Department of Electrical Engineering and Computer Sciences. They serve as a resource to students who are navigating issues with classes, advisors, exams, stress, and conflict.

UCBe: Leadership

UC Berkeley’s hub for leadership development, student involvement, and co-curricular advising is ready to assist your graduate student organization.

New from Rec Sports!

​Learn more about Berkeley Rec Sports and their new initiatives for the Fall!​

Graduate Assembly Positions Available

The Graduate Assembly is currently hiring Project Directors and the Project Advocacy and Accountability Liaison for the 2016-17 academic year. For more…