Digital Humanities Working Group We encourage everyone to participate, regardless of your experience level. The DH Working Group is a welcoming and supportive community for all…
Nature Masterclass 101 Nature Masterclasses are practical, interactive professional development workshops and courses. The curriculum is designed to provide researchers with strategies to develop their…
From the Chair’s Perspective: Insights on Academic Leadership – You’re The Boss And Other Myths About Being Chair The first session explores the various relationships chairs must cultivate with faculty colleagues, administrators across the institution, staff, and students. Topics covered…
Group Chat on Time Management and Goal Setting Join us in a conversation with GradPro staff and other graduate students to discuss strategies and resources for time management and goal…
Using Peerceptiv Peer Review to Increase Collaboration and Engagement Peerceptiv is a peer collaboration tool designed to enhance student engagement by facilitating peer review and team member evaluation assignments and is…
Unlock Your Potential: How to Kickstart Your Career of Impact Teach For America specializes in helping young leaders like you launch careers of impact and make a difference in the world! Whether you’re eager…