Summer School of Molecular Medicine at Jena — 5/25/2014 The Interdisciplinary Center for Clinical Research of the University Hospital of Jena, Germany, invites young scientists to participate in the Summer School of…
Two scientists, both with Berkeley graduate degrees, are now “national icons” The microphones did not pick up Barack Obama’s private words to MIT biochemist JoAnne Stubbe just before he draped the ribbon with her National Medal of Science around her neck, but his public ones were of gratitude on behalf of the American people. Minutes before, he had expressed similar sentiments about retired physicist Berni Alder.
More honors for Chemistry’s high-climbing Arlene Blum Biochemist and mountaineer Arlene Blum Ph.D. ’71, who won the $100,000 Purpose Prize late last year for mobilizing society to protect its members by reducing toxic chemicals, has received still more honors in 2009, and the year isn’t even half over.