The California Alliance offers postdoctoral research fellowship opportunities at four top-tier California institutions — UC Berkeley, UCLA, Stanford, and Caltech — in the Mathematical, Physical Sciences and Engineering fields. The program includes faculty mentoring, professional development, and academic networking opportunities.

The California Alliance is an unprecedented partnership between the state’s top-tier institutions to increase the number of underrepresented minority mathematicians, scientist and engineers who obtain doctoral degrees, go on to pursue research at the postdoctoral level, and join the ranks of the faculty and scientific staff at competitive institutions. The California Alliance universities are large-scale educators of STEM graduate students and postdocs as well as top producers of underrepresented scientists. The postdoctoral awards are for up to two-years, with annual stipends from $55K to $70K per year. 

california alliance logo

To Apply

Application review will begin in January and continue in early Spring 2017. Applications can be submitted online

Applicants from across the nation can submit ONE application for consideration for a postdoctoral appointment at any of the FOUR institutions. It is possible that applications will be considered at our partnering national laboratories. For assistance with the application process, please contact Dr. Catherine Newman

Two letters of reference are required; one recommendation from the applicant’s Ph.D. advisor, and one letter of support from the applicant’s proposed postdoc advisor. Letters should be sent in PDF format to Professor Mark Richards.


Applicants must be U.S. citizens and belong to an underrepresented minority group (African American, Chicano/Latino, Native American/Alaskan Native and Pacific Islanders). Proposed research must fall within the the Mathematical, Physical Sciences and Engineering fields.


The California Alliance is a partnership between four leading California universities to ensure that underrepresented minority (URM) PhD graduate students and postdoctoral scholars from our alliance institutions aspire to and populate the ranks of the postdoctoral population, the faculty at competitive research and teaching institutions, the federally funded national laboratories, and scientific think tanks.

The California Alliance focuses on increasing diversity in Mathematics, Physical Sciences, Computer Science, Engineering (MPCSE) and related disciplines.