Eve Ekman Eve Ekman, a doctoral candidate in social welfare, has been exploring the harsh realities of emotional exhaustion in healthcare workers, which can have devastating consequences for their patients and hospitals as well as the workers themselves. And she theorizes that, surprisingly, clinical empathy, rather than emotional distancing, may help alleviate job burnout. Read the NewsCenter story. Ekman is one of seven graduate students in a variety of social and behavioral sciences whose work is supported in part by the campus’s Greater Good Science Center.
Eve Ekman Eve Ekman, a doctoral candidate in social welfare, has been exploring the harsh realities of emotional exhaustion in healthcare workers, which can have devastating consequences for their patients and hospitals as well as the workers themselves. And she theorizes that, surprisingly, clinical empathy, rather than emotional distancing, may help alleviate job burnout. Read the NewsCenter story. Ekman is one of seven graduate students in a variety of social and behavioral sciences whose work is supported in part by the campus’s Greater Good Science Center.