Nixle-UCPD logoIf you are member of the UC Berkeley community and currently have a “” email address, you will be automatically added to Nixle’s UC Berkeley rivate group on March 7, 2016 and you will begin to receive Nixle email from the UC Berkeley Police Department.  Nixle’s platform will send emails about safety issues and traffic congestion to your Official Berkeley Email Address. NIXLE will not replace UC Berkeley’s WarnMe system for providing critical notifications regarding major emergency and potential life safety situations at UC Berkeley, but will enhance and supplement the ability to provide ALERTS, ADVISORY and COMMUNITY-type communications.

The new UC Berkeley Private Group will not include you if you have opted out of WarnMe, or if your email address is not currently listed in UC Berkeley’s Directory.

For more information, see the UCPD website.

Related Links

If you have any questions, please contact UCPD:

Email the police
Visit us at 1 Sproul Hall (basement), near Telegraph Avenue & Bancroft Way
Office Hours:  Monday – Friday, 8 am – 5 pm
Station Hours: 24 hours a day, 7 days a week
For ALL EMERGENCIES dial 911 or
In an EMERGENCY, from a cell phone on or near campus, dial (510) 642-3333