Interested in exploring your career options outside of academia? Beyond Academia’s annual flagship conference is a two-day event aimed at introducing PhD students and postdocs to career options beyond the academy. The conference will feature around 50 speakers with PhDs in the humanities and social sciences (HSS) and STEM, who successfully transitioned to non-academic careers in a variety of fields, from government to tech to arts and culture. 2025 Beyond Academia Conference February 27-28, 2025 Online via Zoom The conference will include: keynote lectures expert panels professional development workshops career resources Registration is free and open to all graduate students and postdocs. Check out our website for more details about our previous events and access to the registration link, available in the next few weeks! To ensure that you are immediately notified of when the registration link is live, subscribe to the Beyond Academia newsletter. We look forward to seeing you there! SubscribeTentative 2025 Beyond Academia Conference OfferingsPanels on a Variety of Career Paths: Publishing Arts and Culture Jobs in Tech and Industry Journalism and Media Research in Industry Transitioning to Tech Data Science Government University Beyond the Classroom Non-Profits Consulting Workshops: Developing Your Resume (STEM) Developing Your Resume (HSS) Networking and Informational Interviewing Negotiating the Job Offer Preparing for the Non-Academic Career Leaving Academia as an International Student Identifying Transferable Skills
Interested in exploring your career options outside of academia? Beyond Academia’s annual flagship conference is a two-day event aimed at introducing PhD students and postdocs to career options beyond the academy. The conference will feature around 50 speakers with PhDs in the humanities and social sciences (HSS) and STEM, who successfully transitioned to non-academic careers in a variety of fields, from government to tech to arts and culture. 2025 Beyond Academia Conference February 27-28, 2025 Online via Zoom The conference will include: keynote lectures expert panels professional development workshops career resources Registration is free and open to all graduate students and postdocs. Check out our website for more details about our previous events and access to the registration link, available in the next few weeks! To ensure that you are immediately notified of when the registration link is live, subscribe to the Beyond Academia newsletter. We look forward to seeing you there! SubscribeTentative 2025 Beyond Academia Conference OfferingsPanels on a Variety of Career Paths: Publishing Arts and Culture Jobs in Tech and Industry Journalism and Media Research in Industry Transitioning to Tech Data Science Government University Beyond the Classroom Non-Profits Consulting Workshops: Developing Your Resume (STEM) Developing Your Resume (HSS) Networking and Informational Interviewing Negotiating the Job Offer Preparing for the Non-Academic Career Leaving Academia as an International Student Identifying Transferable Skills