The Graduate Division and Career Center strongly encourage all UC Berkeley departments to publicly post GSI and GSR positions open to students outside their department to Handshake. Handshake is the primary platform that connects students at UC Berkeley with open employment positions, and is used by more than two thirds of Cal students. Once open GSI/GSR positions are added to Handshake, the Graduate Division (or any other Berkeley entity) will be able to embed a web feed of positions on their websites so that students may view all GSI positions open to graduate students. By consistently posting your positions to Handshake, you will expand your recruitment efforts and also make it easier for students to navigate their job search by supporting the primary campus career platform. View all the current Open GSI / GSR positions. There are 2-3 main steps to creating GSI postings on Handshake if your school, college or department does not already have a profile: You will need to create an employer user account in Handshake and join the “company” account for your school, college, or department. If your school, college, or department does not already have a “company” account, you will need to create one within UC Berkeley, and it will need to be approved by the Career Center (usually within 3-5 business days). You will need to create a “job” for each Graduate Student Instructor or Reader position. Below are screen shots and explanatory text detailing the process. Part 1: Create Your User Account and Join Your UC Berkeley “Company” Visit Create an account with a Berkeley email address. The Career Center recommends using your personal Berkeley email address to avoid confusion if multiple users in your department are posting jobs to the same “company.” This email address will not be displayed publicly. You may use a SPA account if you wish. Handshake will recognize the domain on your email address and you will be taken to a screen with a list of “companies” within UC Berkeley. Do NOT choose the first options: University of California Berkeley or UC Berkeley Career Center.” Scroll through the list (or search using CTRL+F). If you do not see your school/college or department, click the blue “Create New Company” button. If you do see your department, school or college, click “request” and wait for approval from the person who manages that account. If you are naming your “company” after your department, you should use the naming convention “UC Berkeley Department of [Name].” If you are creating a company with the name of your school or college, use the naming convention “UC Berkeley [School of XYZ /College of XYZ /Institute Name]” You do not have to fill out fields that are not required. Once your are done creating your company profile, click “Create New Company.” The company size does not matter. Take your best guess as to the number of employees in your department. The final step in this process is to select a school for your job postings. You will only select “University of California, Berkeley.” The icon will be of the Career Center logo. (Use the search term “Berkeley” to locate it quickly) and click the “+” icon. Then click “Finish.” That’s it. Wait for the Career Center to approve your company. You can email the Career Center at [email protected] if you need urgent approval or if it has taken longer than 3-5 business days. Part 2: Post a Job (aka GSI/GSR Appointment) Within your Handshake dashboard, click “Post a Job” to start the form. Next, complete the form. Questions and guidance for each are listed below: Section 1: Basic Information Where should students submit their application? You may choose to accept resumes, cover letters, etc. through the Handshake portal OR you may direct applicants to your department’s website, Google form, or whichever method for accepting applications you are currently using in the “Website or Applicant Tracking System URL” form field. Job Title Use the naming convention [Semester] [Year]- [% Appointment] [GSI or GSR]: [Name of Department] For example: “Fall 2021 – 50% GSI Position: Department of Economics” You must use “GSI” or “GSR” in the position title in order for it to appear in an RSS widget. Display your contact information to students You may choose to display your contact information or keep it hidden Job Type Choose “On Campus Student Employment” You must select this option for it to appear in the RSS widget. Employment Type Choose “Part-Time” Duration Choose “Temporary / Seasonal” Start Date You may enter the start and end date of the appointment Is this a Work-Study Job? Select “No” Section 2: Details Description In the description text box, include all information about the position, including the % appointment and any other relevant information. You may hyperlink to other webpages in this area as well. Job Roles Select/Search by “Teaching Assistants, Post Secondary” How many students do you expect to hire for this position? Enter the number of open positions available Approximate salary Select “Paid” and leave the rate field BLANK Job Location Select “Berkeley, California, United States” You may also check “Allow remote workers,” if applicable Required Documents If you would like to receive application materials through the Handshake system, you may select resume, cover letter, etc. If you prefer to receive information through an external system (such as a Google form), you can leave this blank (You should have selected “Apply through external system” in the basics section). Section 3: Preferences You may leave most of this section blank, with the exception of the “School years” section. Select Master’s and/or Doctorate (or undergraduate years) depending on the qualifications required for the position. You can leave all other fields blank. Section 4: Schools Type/Search for “University of California, Berkeley.” Select this school (it will have a Career Center logo next to it) Leave the “Global apply” start and end dates blank. Choose an “Apply start date” (and time) and “Expiration date” and time. Then, you may preview and save your job. Your job is now live! As long as you entered “GSI” or “GSR” in the position title and selected “On Campus Student Employment,” the job will show up in a feed on the Graduate Division’s website as well as within Handshake. The next time you wish to create a job, you may duplicate and edit a past or expired posting to save time. *Please note: MBA, Law, and Optometry students do not have access to apply for jobs in Handshake due to their own career services systems. Additionally, students who do not pay student services fees, such as UC Extension students, do not have Handshake access. However, all students are able to preview the jobs linked on this page. For the greatest reach, we encourage departments to add an external application link (if it exists) and/or contact information to the job description so all students have a method to apply or contact your department directly. If you have technical questions about posting to Handshake as a UC Berkeley employee, contact the Career Center at [email protected]. You may also find this Career Center resource helpful: How to Post a Job in Handshake.