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Geospatial data are an important component of data visualization and analysis in the social sciences, humanities, and elsewhere. The Python programming language is a great platform for exploring these data and integrating them into your research.

Python Geospatial Fundamentals: Part 1

This workshop is the first one of the two-part series on using Python for fundamental geospatial analysis and visualization. After this workshop, you will be able to:

  • Recognize different forms of geospatial data and coordinate reference system (CRS),
  • Use GeoPandas and matplotlib libraries to map and analyze spatial data.

Python Geospatial Fundamentals: Part 2

This workshop is the second one of the two-part series on using Python for fundamental geospatial analysis and visualization. After this workshop, you will be able to:

  • Apply more advanced Python libraries for interactive visualization.
  • Choose domain-specific spatial datasets to create your own maps.

Knowledge Requirements

You’ll probably get the most out of this workshop if you have a basic foundation in Python and Pandas, similar to what you would have from taking the D-Lab Python Fundamentals workshop series. Here are a couple of suggestions for materials to check out prior to the workshop.

D-Lab Workshops:

Date & Time

March 5, 2024
2:00pm - 4:00pm





Event Category

Event Categories:
Professional Development Events