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Gradescope is a suite of tools designed to accommodate a common grading workflow. Students or instructors scan and upload their homework or exams. Instructors and GSIs create a living rubric that allows for speedy grading of large courses. The software can reveal valuable statistics about students work, and provide a path for students to request re-grades of questions.

This one-hour workshop will focus on how you can use Gradescope to deliver and grade your assignments that are paper-based, fully online, and a combination of the two.

In this workshop, you will learn how to:

  • Set up assignments where students can submit freeform work (no printers or templates needed)
  • Grade your existing exams and homework on Gradescope
  • Make rubric changes as you grade – changes apply to previously graded work to maintain consistency
  • Write each comment only once – apply previously used comments with a click
  • Use ‘assignment analytics’ to gain insight into student learning
This session will be held via Zoom.

➡️ Register for this event here!⬅️

Date & Time

September 21, 2023
12:00pm - 1:00pm


