Berkeley Graduate Student Profile

UC Berkeley is famed for the breadth, depth, and reach of more than 120 graduate programs in 15 schools and colleges. Our passion for critical inquiry, debate, discovery and innovation is informed by a deep commitment to contributing to a better world. Nearly all first-year students cite the outstanding reputation and quality of their graduate program as important in their decision to enroll at Berkeley. Typically, half of admitted applicants choose Berkeley over other offers. View our Graduate Student Profile brochure as a PDF.

Rankings and other measures of excellence

Overall UC Berkeley rankings can be found here (opens in a new tab).

U.S. News and World Report

Yet again U.S. News & World Report ranked UC Berkeley (opens in a new tab) as one of the top public universities in the nation.

The new “Best Global Universities Rankings” of U.S. News & World Report (opens in a new tab) placed UC Berkeley fifth in the world. Ranking higher than Columbia, Yale and UCLA.

In the new rankings, Berkeley’s graduate programs placed first in the world (opens in a new tab) in Chemistry, Computer Science, English, History, Part-time MBA, Psychology, and Sociology. 14 other subject areas ranked in the top 10.

  • 1st – Chemistry, Computer Science, English, History, Psychology, Sociology
  • 2nd – Part-time MBA, Statistics
  • 3rd – Engineering, Biological Sciences, Clinical Psychology, Earth Sciences, Mathematics, Physics
  • 4th – Economics, Political Science, Public Affairs, Social Work
  • 7th – Business, Biostatistics
  • 10th – Public Health

Academic Rankings of World Universities

New global rankings place UC Berkeley at the pinnacle of public universities on the U.S. and fifth overall in the world. The 2024 Academic Rankings of World Universities (opens in a new tab) is an assessment of 500 top institutions around the globe by the ShanghaiRanking Consultancy. 

Among 54 subject areas, Berkeley ranked first in the world in chemistry, second in electrical and electronic engineering, fourth in physics and statistics, and fifth in economics and computer science & engineering. Honorable mentions include seventh in ecology and eighth in law.

Berkeley Stands Tall in World Reputation Rankings

For the seventh year in a row, UC Berkeley ranks sixth in the world when it comes to its reputation among its peers, according to new rankings from Times Higher Education.

The six “most powerful global brands” in the U.K. publication’s annual World Reputation Rankings (opens in a new tab) vary little from year to year, with Harvard at the top, then MIT, Stanford, Oxford, Cambridge, and then Berkeley.

Berkeley Again Shines as Top U.S. Public University in Forbes Rankings

New rankings from the financial publication Forbes (opens in a new tab), again place Berkeley at the very top of the list of public universities (opens in a new tab) in the United States.

On the new Forbes Top Colleges 2024-25 list, Berkeley is the only public university among the top five schools overall.

Graduate Alumni Accomplishments

UC Berkeley alumni are among the most accomplished in their fields. Below is just a snapshot of graduate alumni accolades:

The Berkeley Graduate Profile is produced by the Institutional Research and Communications units in the Graduate Division

Additional Resources

2024-25 Graduate Student Enrollment

Pie Chart of Graduate Enrollment by Home Location

Among the 45,882 students at Berkeley, 28% are pursuing doctoral and master’s degrees in more than 130 disciplines.

The fall 2024 incoming graduate class of 4,290 students was selected from more than 40,000 applicants.

Enrollment (Fall 2024) Doctoral Master’s Total
Enrollment (Fall 2024)New Doctoral4,217 Master’s4,207 Total8,424
Enrollment (Fall 2024)Continuing Doctoral802 Master’s3,586 Total4,388
Enrollment (Fall 2024)Overall Doctoral5,052 Master’s7,793 Total12,812


Applicant Age
Applicant AgeAverage 28
Applicant AgeYoungest 17
Applicant AgeOldest 84
Women Underrepresented Minorities
Women47% Underrepresented Minorities15%
Ethnic Diversity (United States) Total
Ethnic Diversity (United States)Asian Total2,929
Ethnic Diversity (United States)Black/African-American Total682
Ethnic Diversity (United States)Chicano/Latino Total1,179
Ethnic Diversity (United States)American Indian/Alaskan Native Total73
Ethnic Diversity (United States)Pacific Islander Total19
Ethnic Diversity (United States)White/Caucasian Total3,343
Ethnic Diversity (United States)Unknown Total553
Ethnic Diversity (United States)Total Total8,866
International Graduate Students (Top 20) Doctoral Master’s Total
International Graduate Students (Top 20)China Doctoral412 Master’s532 Total944
International Graduate Students (Top 20)India Doctoral120 Master’s245 Total365
International Graduate Students (Top 20)Canada Doctoral103 Master’s163 Total266
International Graduate Students (Top 20)Republic of Korea (South) Doctoral119 Master’s68 Total187
International Graduate Students (Top 20)Taiwan Doctoral73 Master’s64 Total137
International Graduate Students (Top 20)Japan Doctoral28 Master’s62 Total90
International Graduate Students (Top 20)United Kingdom Doctoral49 Master’s35 Total84
International Graduate Students (Top 20)Germany Doctoral32 Master’s38 Total70
International Graduate Students (Top 20)France Doctoral21 Master’s43 Total64
International Graduate Students (Top 20)Brazil Doctoral26 Master’s33 Total59
International Graduate Students (Top 20)Indonesia Doctoral8 Master’s45 Total53
International Graduate Students (Top 20)Mexico Doctoral18 Master’s31 Total49
International Graduate Students (Top 20)Hong Kong Doctoral15 Master’s33 Total48
International Graduate Students (Top 20)Singapore Doctoral17 Master’s24 Total41
International Graduate Students (Top 20)Turkey Doctoral26 Master’s7 Total33
International Graduate Students (Top 20)Chile Doctoral13 Master’s19 Total32
International Graduate Students (Top 20)Nigeria Doctoral4 Master’s27 Total31
International Graduate Students (Top 20)Italy Doctoral24 Master’s6 Total30
International Graduate Students (Top 20)Australia Doctoral11 Master’s15 Total26
International Graduate Students (Top 20)Columbia Doctoral8 Master’s18 Total26
International Graduate Students (Top 20)Total Doctoral1,127 Master’s1,508 Total2,635

Graduate majors (Fall 2024 Enrollment)

Berkeley offers more than 130 graduate majors (master’s, professional, and doctoral), 94 of which grant doctoral degrees.

School/College/Division Doctoral Master’s/
First Professional
School/College/DivisionArts & Humanities Doctoral546 Master’s/ First Professional12 Total558
School/College/DivisionBiological Sciences Doctoral419 Master’s/ First Professional16 Total435
School/College/DivisionBusiness Doctoral76 Master’s/ First Professional1,832 Total1,908
School/College/DivisionChemistry Doctoral483 Master’s/ First Professional129 Total612
School/College/DivisionData Science and Society Doctoral103 Master’s/ First Professional76 Total179
School/College/DivisionEducation Doctoral127 Master’s/ First Professional82 Total209
School/College/DivisionEngineering Doctoral1,288 Master’s/ First Professional1,219 Total2,507
School/College/DivisionEnvironmental Design Doctoral72 Master’s/ First Professional390 Total462
School/College/DivisionInformation Doctoral29 Master’s/ First Professional1,215 Total1,244
School/College/DivisionJournalism Doctoral0 Master’s/ First Professional113 Total113
School/College/DivisionLaw Doctoral63 Master’s/ First Professional1,288 Total1,351
School/College/DivisionMath and Physical Sciences Doctoral513 Master’s/ First Professional2 Total515
School/College/DivisionNatural Resources Doctoral380 Master’s/ First Professional97 Total477
School/College/DivisionOptometry Doctoral35 Master’s/ First Professional261 Total296
School/College/DivisionOther Doctoral0 Master’s/ First Professional1 Total1
School/College/DivisionPublic Health Doctoral145 Master’s/ First Professional655 Total800
School/College/DivisionPublic Policy Doctoral11 Master’s/ First Professional270 Total281
School/College/DivisionSocial Sciences Doctoral720 Master’s/ First Professional67 Total787
School/College/DivisionSocial Welfare Doctoral21 Master’s/ First Professional179 Total200
School/College/DivisionTOTAL Doctoral Master’s/ First Professional Total12,812

Degrees Granted

Degree Date Doctoral Master’s Professional
Degree Date2009 – 10 Doctoral891 Master’s2,005 Professional394
Degree Date2010 – 11 Doctoral918 Master’s2,044 Professional372
Degree Date2011 – 12 Doctoral892 Master’s2,120 Professional372
Degree Date2012 – 13 Doctoral937 Master’s2,154 Professional367
Degree Date2013 – 14 Doctoral936 Master’s2,215 Professional351
Degree Date2014 – 15 Doctoral826 Master’s2,343 Professional339
Degree Date2015 – 16 Doctoral818 Master’s2,636 Professional392
Degree Date2016 – 17 Doctoral818 Master’s2,578 Professional364
Degree Date2017 – 18 Doctoral869 Master’s2,954 Professional371
Degree Date2018 – 19 Doctoral877 Master’s3,235 Professional395
Degree Date2019 – 20
Doctoral806 Master’s3,269 Professional397
Degree Date2020 – 21 Doctoral794 Master’s2,849 Professional391
Degree Date2021 – 22 Doctoral836 Master’s3,679 Professional423
Degree Date2022-23 Doctoral840 Master’s3,977 Professional405
Degree Date2023-24 Doctoral824 Master’s3,853 Professional455

Career Outcomes

Top 5 academic institutions that hire Berkeley Ph.D.s

  • University of California System
  • Stanford
  • Princeton
  • MIT
  • Harvard

Long-term employment trends

(Based on a survey of Ph.D. recipients who graduated between 2013 to 2017)

  • 54.1% of Berkeley doctoral alumni (and 78% arts and humanities Ph.D.s) work in 4-year academic institutions compared to 41.4% nation-wide
  • 31.4% work in the private for-profit sector
  • 3.4% work in the non-profit sector or for the state, local or national government
  • 3.9% are self-employed or have other employment

Career placement of doctoral degree recipients

First positions of students who graduated from 2019 – 2020 to 2021 – 2022 (based on a survey conducted 12-24 months after graduation).

Employer Type Count Percent
Employer TypeCollege or university* Count1,281 Percent47%
Employer TypeBusiness (for profit) Count970 Percent35%
Employer TypeGovernment Count101 Percent4%
Employer TypeNational laboratory Count91 Percent3%
Employer TypeNon-profit Organization Count77 Percent3%
Employer TypeSelf-employed Count26 Percent1%
Employer TypeK-12 school Count23 Percent1%
Employer TypeOther Count22 Percent1%
Employer TypeUnknown Count157 Percent6%
Employer TypeTotal Count2,748 Percent100%

*First positions taken by Berkeley Ph.D.s who went into academia:

Type of Position Count Percent
Type of PositionPostdoc Count681 Percent25%
Type of PositionTenure track faculty Count454 Percent17%
Type of PositionResearcher Count430 Percent16%
Type of PositionEngineer Count283 Percent10%
Type of PositionAnalyst Count216 Percent8%
Type of PositionNon-tenure track faculty Count540 Percent7%
Type of PositionManager Count85 Percent3%
Type of PositionAdmin Count65 Percent2%
Type of PositionEntrepreneur Count40 Percent2%
Type of PositionConsultant Count35 Percent1%
Type of PositionProgrammer Count24 Percent1%
Type of PositionTeacher Count14 Percent1%
Type of PositionWriter Count14 Percent1%
Type of PositionOther Count42 Percent2%
Type of PositionUnknown Count262 Percent10%
Type of PositionTotal Count2,748 Percent100%

Sources of financial support for graduate students

Most admitted doctoral students are funded in full for the majority of their study. In some cases that funding includes teaching and research appointments which are covered by collective bargaining agreements and come with many benefits of employment.

Funding packages

Berkeley offers multi-year funding packages to most entering doctoral students, including those who will enhance the diversity of the graduate student population. Recipients are selected by their departments at the admissions stage.

Multi-year packages typically include:

  • 2 years of fellowship funding
  • 2-3 years of departmental funding: combination of GSI (teaching) or GSR (research) appointments and/or fellowship
    • and/or 1 year of Doctoral Completion Fellowship*

Departmental funding often includes funding from a variety of sources, including university fellowships, departmental fellowships, training grant awards, GSI (teaching) appointments, and GSR (research) positions. Note that GSI and GSR positions, and all terms and conditions of employment, are covered by a collective bargaining agreement.

External multi-year fellowships, such as the NSF GRFP, NDSEG (DoD), Hertz, and others, are integrated into departmental funding packages.

*The Doctoral Completion Fellowship provides one year of fellowship funding to students in certain Humanities and Social Science disciplines, for use after advancement to doctoral candidacy.

Other Campus Funding Opportunities

  • Conference Travel Grants
  • Parent Grants
  • Research Grants/Fellowships (from Institutes/Centers and others)
  • Training Grant Programs