More than a dozen graduate, postgraduate, and mid-career fellowships are awarded by the Senate of the State of New York each year. Students are not required to reside or attend school in New York at the time of application. Four different kinds of fellowships are available, the majority of which are legislative fellowships, which bring a $33,000 grant-in-study stipend, plus certain benefit options. Applicants from a wide range of interests and disciplines are welcomed. Training in the history, government, and politics of New York State is not a requirement. Placements are usually to the office of an elected member of the Senate. While Senate Fellows are not Senate employees, some may be hired as full Senate employees after the fellowship period ends. The Graduate/Postgraduate/Mid-career application materials and further information may be found on the senate student programs website. The application deadline is April 22, 2013.
More than a dozen graduate, postgraduate, and mid-career fellowships are awarded by the Senate of the State of New York each year. Students are not required to reside or attend school in New York at the time of application. Four different kinds of fellowships are available, the majority of which are legislative fellowships, which bring a $33,000 grant-in-study stipend, plus certain benefit options. Applicants from a wide range of interests and disciplines are welcomed. Training in the history, government, and politics of New York State is not a requirement. Placements are usually to the office of an elected member of the Senate. While Senate Fellows are not Senate employees, some may be hired as full Senate employees after the fellowship period ends. The Graduate/Postgraduate/Mid-career application materials and further information may be found on the senate student programs website. The application deadline is April 22, 2013.