R Deep Learning: Part 2 of 2

Online via Zoom

This workshop introduces the basic concepts of Deep Learning — the training and performance evaluation of large neural networks, especially for image classification, natural language processing, and time-series data. Like many other machine learning algorithms, we will use deep learning algorithms to map input data to their appropriately classified outcome labels. You will use the R interface to Keras to become familiar with basic concepts like input and output layers, batch sizes and output dimensions, dropout rates, weight parametrization and bias, backpropagation, and loss, activation, and optimization functions. You will also gain confidence exploring more complex approaches that utilize pretrained and fine-tuned models. Register: https://dlab.berkeley.edu/events/r-deep-learning-parts-1-2/2023-04-19 Prerequisites: D-Lab's Intro to Machine Learning in R workshop series or equivalent introductory machine learning knowledge. Workshop Materials: https://github.com/dlab-berkeley/R-Deep-Learning(link is external) Software Requirements:Installation Instructions(link is external) for R and RStudio Is RStudio Not working on your laptop?Attend the workshop anyway, we can provide you with a cloud-based solution(link is external) until you figure out the problems with your local installation.

International Job Search – STEM Faculty Career Chats with Dr. Eva Schmid

Online via Zoom

Explore career paths outside the United States! This informal conversation over Zoom allows students/postdocs to learn about hiring practices beyond the USA. Eva Maria Schmid, PhD, Head of Scientific Training, Vienna Biocenter Register for this event here.

DSP Career Readiness Network: Managing Stress in the Job Search

Career Center - Gold Room 2440 Bancroft Way, Berkeley

Good news! There are powerful tools to manage your level of career-related stress! Having trouble mustering up the energy to retool resumes, cover letters, and linkedin profiles? Becoming discouraged with endless applications, interviews, and email let downs? We have just the program for you. Career Services for Students with Disabilities is partnering with Dinorah Meyer, Career Counselor serving College of Environmental Design and specialist in yoga and mindfulness practice to offer up strategies in managing career readiness stress. Register for this event on Handshake.