UC Systemwide website with statement by the president and all 10 chancellors UC Berkeley is part of a new UC Systemwide effort to provide education, prevention, and response to the issues of Dating and Domestic Violence, Stalking, and Sexual Assault. These activities are supported by a grant from the US Department of Justice Office of Violence Against Women. The grant provisions include the implementation of a new violence prevention education requirement for incoming students at all UC campuses. Also included in the initiative are training for the UC police departments and conduct offices on these issues, as well as statements by each of the UC Chancellors that promote violence prevention on each campus. A new UC Systemwide website is also now available, covering many aspects of violence in the university context , including how to prevent it, how to find help at your campus, UC System policies and procedures related to violence, and dozens of online resources. All incoming students – including graduate students and professional school students – will be expected to attend one training session in person to complete fulfill this requirement. For detailed information on the training sessions, including the options available to fulfill this requirement, visit the website of the Gender Equity Resource Center. Workshops began over the summer at the Gender Equity Resource Center, and will continue during Welcome Week and over the fall semester. In particular, during Welcome Week, there will be six Interactive Theater training sessions (August 22nd-27th) that will count toward the requirement. Two of the sessions will be especially geared toward graduate students. These trainings reinforce the value that we all share the responsibility to promote a safe and inspiring campus climate. We all can play our part in preventing violence. For further information, email [email protected].
UC Systemwide website with statement by the president and all 10 chancellors UC Berkeley is part of a new UC Systemwide effort to provide education, prevention, and response to the issues of Dating and Domestic Violence, Stalking, and Sexual Assault. These activities are supported by a grant from the US Department of Justice Office of Violence Against Women. The grant provisions include the implementation of a new violence prevention education requirement for incoming students at all UC campuses. Also included in the initiative are training for the UC police departments and conduct offices on these issues, as well as statements by each of the UC Chancellors that promote violence prevention on each campus. A new UC Systemwide website is also now available, covering many aspects of violence in the university context , including how to prevent it, how to find help at your campus, UC System policies and procedures related to violence, and dozens of online resources. All incoming students – including graduate students and professional school students – will be expected to attend one training session in person to complete fulfill this requirement. For detailed information on the training sessions, including the options available to fulfill this requirement, visit the website of the Gender Equity Resource Center. Workshops began over the summer at the Gender Equity Resource Center, and will continue during Welcome Week and over the fall semester. In particular, during Welcome Week, there will be six Interactive Theater training sessions (August 22nd-27th) that will count toward the requirement. Two of the sessions will be especially geared toward graduate students. These trainings reinforce the value that we all share the responsibility to promote a safe and inspiring campus climate. We all can play our part in preventing violence. For further information, email [email protected].