April 20 or May 11 workshop on insurance after you graduate “After-Graduation Insurance Workshop: Selecting a Plan” — If you are a Student Health Insurance Program member who will be graduating this semester, or if you are losing SHIP eligibility because you are no longer a registered student at UC Berkeley, it’s important to plan ahead for continuing health coverage. A variety of plans are available to you once your SHIP coverage expires. Plan types include short-term coverage, individual plans with low deductibles or co-payments, a conversion plan for persons with ongoing medical conditions, and public health insurance programs. Workshop details: Two dates: Wednesday April 20 or May 11, 2011 from 4:30 p.m. Same location: Section Club, Education Center, first floor of the Tang Center, 2222 Bancroft Way RSVP recommended — RSVP by calling Kathleen Gage at 510-642-5742, or by emailing Kathleen Gage at [email protected]. Contact the Student Health Insurance Office at (510) 642-5742 for additional information or workshop questions. Clarify the best career path for you Don’t wait until graduation: meet with a career counselor now! Do you have uncertainties about your impending job search? Meet with a career counselor to help get support through the process of clarifying the best career path for you. Through career counseling, you have free access to online personality, skills, and interest assessments that might help you decide what kind of work fits you best. As a Cal student, your first five sessions with a counselor are free! Sign up for an appointment in the UHS Career Counseling Library anytime Monday through Friday, 10 a.m. to 5 p.m. The Career Counseling Library is the small building in the courtyard of the Tang Center.
April 20 or May 11 workshop on insurance after you graduate “After-Graduation Insurance Workshop: Selecting a Plan” — If you are a Student Health Insurance Program member who will be graduating this semester, or if you are losing SHIP eligibility because you are no longer a registered student at UC Berkeley, it’s important to plan ahead for continuing health coverage. A variety of plans are available to you once your SHIP coverage expires. Plan types include short-term coverage, individual plans with low deductibles or co-payments, a conversion plan for persons with ongoing medical conditions, and public health insurance programs. Workshop details: Two dates: Wednesday April 20 or May 11, 2011 from 4:30 p.m. Same location: Section Club, Education Center, first floor of the Tang Center, 2222 Bancroft Way RSVP recommended — RSVP by calling Kathleen Gage at 510-642-5742, or by emailing Kathleen Gage at [email protected]. Contact the Student Health Insurance Office at (510) 642-5742 for additional information or workshop questions. Clarify the best career path for you Don’t wait until graduation: meet with a career counselor now! Do you have uncertainties about your impending job search? Meet with a career counselor to help get support through the process of clarifying the best career path for you. Through career counseling, you have free access to online personality, skills, and interest assessments that might help you decide what kind of work fits you best. As a Cal student, your first five sessions with a counselor are free! Sign up for an appointment in the UHS Career Counseling Library anytime Monday through Friday, 10 a.m. to 5 p.m. The Career Counseling Library is the small building in the courtyard of the Tang Center.