The Chancellor’s Advisory Committee on the Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual, Transgender, and Queer Communities at Cal (CAC-LGBTQ) seeks self-nominations for committee members to serve for one or two academic years, beginning in Fall 2014. Two graduate students will be selected by the CAC-LGBTQ and affirmed by the Graduate Assembly to join an existing committee of faculty, academic appointees, staff, undergraduate students, and ex officio representatives who are committed to promoting an affirming and inclusive campus environment by identifying, analyzing, and advising the Chancellor and senior administration on needs and concerns of LGBTQ faculty, staff, students, alumni, and affiliates at UC Berkeley. For more information about CAC-LGBTQ visit their website. For more details about committee service and an application form, please email [email protected]. Completed applications are due by Wednesday, September 3, 2014.
The Chancellor’s Advisory Committee on the Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual, Transgender, and Queer Communities at Cal (CAC-LGBTQ) seeks self-nominations for committee members to serve for one or two academic years, beginning in Fall 2014. Two graduate students will be selected by the CAC-LGBTQ and affirmed by the Graduate Assembly to join an existing committee of faculty, academic appointees, staff, undergraduate students, and ex officio representatives who are committed to promoting an affirming and inclusive campus environment by identifying, analyzing, and advising the Chancellor and senior administration on needs and concerns of LGBTQ faculty, staff, students, alumni, and affiliates at UC Berkeley. For more information about CAC-LGBTQ visit their website. For more details about committee service and an application form, please email [email protected]. Completed applications are due by Wednesday, September 3, 2014.