R Data Wrangling and Manipulation: Part 1 of 2

Online via Zoom

It is said that 80% of data analysis is spent on the process of cleaning and preparing the data for exploration, visualization, and analysis. This R workshop will introduce the dplyr and tidyr packages to make data wrangling and manipulation easier. Participants will learn how to use these packages to subset and reshape data sets, do calculations across groups of data, clean data, and other useful tasks. Prerequisites: D-Lab’s R Fundamentals or equivalent knowledge; previous experience with base R is assumed. Workshop Materials: https://github.com/dlab-berkeley/R-wrang (link is external) Software Requirements:Installation Instructions(link is external) for R and RStudio Is RStudio Not working on your laptop?Attend the workshop anyway, we can provide you with a cloud-based solution(link is external) until you figure out the problems with your local installation. Feedback: After completing the workshop, please provide us feedback using this form Questions? Email: [email protected](link sends e-mail) LOCATION: Remote via Zoom. Link will be sent on the morning of the event.

Advanced Zotero

Online via Zoom

Whether you’re just starting a research paper or preparing a draft of your dissertation, Zotero can be a useful tool for managing your research. This session will cover advanced features that will help you maximize your use of Zotero. This session is intended for researchers who are already using Zotero. If you haven't used Zotero before, please attend one of our Introduction to Zotero workshops, as this one will not cover the basics. Given time, this session will cover: Adding existing research materials to your Zotero library Linked files vs. stored files Zotero storage vs using Zotfile to store attachments in another cloud app Creating and managing groups Zotero 6.0 PDF viewer and annotation extractor Zotero 6.0 Add note feature Indexing and searching your Zotero library and attachments Location: Zoom (link will be sent to registrants one day before the workshop)