Library Update: Digital Dissertations and Wireless Printing Now Available North Reading Room, Doe Library Now that you have defended your dissertation and it has been approved, it’s time to make it…
School of Public Health Alumna Examines Decentralized California Health Care in Dissertation Alumna Megan Vanneman ’13 was in her third year at the School of Public Health when she became interested in examining the effects of the decentralized public mental health care system in California. Last month Vanneman's dissertation was published…
Berkeley Students Recognized by NAEd/Spencer Fellowship Four UC Berkeley students were awarded National Academy of Education/Spencer Dissertation Fellowship for their research in the field of education. Each recipient was given a $25,000 cash prize for the 2014-15 academic year and an opportunity to network with members of NAE and other senior scholars during a retreat.
UC MEXUS Grants for Dissertation Research — 9/23/2013 UC Mexus Grants support dissertation research or MFA final projects by University of California graduate students in the areas of Mexico-Related Studies—All…
Congratulations — and advice as summer begins Working on your dissertation this summer? Check out the Dissertation Writer's Room in Doe Library. Traveling abroad? Take advantage of University travel resources.
Life after dissertation: What’s next for degree candidates? Political Science doctoral student Jason W. Blakely reflects on his intellectual growth at Berkeley, dissertation writing, and gratitude.
More workshops in March and April: grant proposals, editing/revising, dissertation writing These workshops are presented by Graduate Division Academic Services. How to Write an Academic Grant Proposal Thursday, March 22, 2012, 3 to…
Filing a thesis or dissertation for a fall degree? Do so by December 16 — electronically. You won't have to stand (or sit) in line! New this year: master's theses may now be filed electronically, too.
Dissertation Writer’s Room Renovation In June of 2010, the Doe Library and the Graduate Division opened a special place for graduate students who want to (or simply must) do some serious writing on their dissertations.
Welcome back! — New writer’s room and orientation announcements Now it's back to the real world with classes to teach, seminars to engage, experiments to plan, qualifying exams to study for, breakthroughs to realize, manuscripts to finish, and hoods to don!
The new Dissertation Writer’s Room opens its door to all doctoral candidates Graduate Division Dean Andrew Szeri and Doe Library's Graduate Services staff have teamed up to offer a new space dedicated to doctoral students advanced to candidacy: the Dissertation Writer's Room, which opened June 21 in Room 215 of the Doe Library.
New Dissertation Writing Resources Open to Students Photo: Peg Skorpinski Tom Leonard and I have both been where you are: in graduate school. Mine was Cornell (Ph.D., 1988), while…
Long Journey’s Sweet Ending Charles Man Fong Tung was nervous and tired last December when he walked into the Graduate Degrees Office on the third floor of Sproul Hall to – at long last – file his dissertation. He had made the required two copies, printed in the required font size on the specified archival paper, but was it perfect? What if it wasn’t? Would his years of labor be frustrated? His worries were not uncommon among degree candidates submitting the fruits of their intellectual labor. But, like most, he did it right (even a few days before the deadline), and he could relax.