Student Mentoring and Research Teams (SMART) is a program offered by the GSI Teaching & Resource Center and the Graduate Writing Center that enables doctoral students to create mentored research opportunities for undergraduate students at UC Berkeley. The program provides summer funding for both graduate and undergraduate participants and opportunities to share research results on campus and at national conferences.


Graduate Writing Center

The Graduate Writing Center assists graduate students in the development of academic skills necessary to successfully complete their graduate programs and prepare for future faculty and professional positions. This unit offers workshops on topics such as academic writing, grant writing, dissertation writing, editing, and preparing articles for publication, in addition to writing groups and individual consultations on these topics for graduate students.

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GSI Teaching & Resource Center

2014 Outstanding GSI Award Ceremony.

The GSI Teaching & Resource Center helps graduate students transition to teaching as GSIs at UC Berkeley and offers programs and services to assist graduate students in developing their teaching skills for future academic and non-academic careers. The GSI-TRC also works with faculty and departments to assist them in the mentoring and teaching preparation they offer graduate students.

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