As a national leader in preparing graduate students for teaching, UC Berkeley is one of the few universities in the country that have a comprehensive policy on GSI mentoring. The development activities that Berkeley GSIs undertake to fulfill the requirements of this policy—the Teaching Conference, the Online Ethics Course, and the 300-level pedagogy course in their disciplines—support GSIs in their teaching at UC Berkeley, but they also help form the foundation of their teaching and leadership skills in future academic and non-academic careers. The UC Berkeley Certificate Program in Teaching and Learning in Higher Education adds to these three basic requirements participation in workshops on teaching, teaching observation, creation of a teaching portfolio, and several other development activities.

For details, please see the Certificate Program Requirements.


GSI Teaching & Resource Center

2014 Outstanding GSI Award Ceremony.

The GSI Teaching & Resource Center helps graduate students transition to teaching as GSIs at UC Berkeley and offers programs and services to assist graduate students in developing their teaching skills for future academic and non-academic careers. The GSI-TRC also works with faculty and departments to assist them in the mentoring and teaching preparation they offer graduate students.

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