I’m interested, but I have no idea where to start!

Don’t worry, GradPro is here to help! There are a variety of resources available to help you prepare for the Grad Slam competition. Walk through these four steps on your own, using the online resources below, or attend a GradPro information and prep session to help you develop and prepare your speech and your video submission.

Step One

December 2024: Study the Grad Slam Rules and Watch Some Sample Talks

  • Read the Competition Rules and Submission Process page thoroughly to make sure you understand how the competition works.
  • Watch previous Grad Slam videos, both from the UC Berkeley campus competition and the UC systemwide competition.
  • Analyze the content and structure of several talks from disciplines as varied as metabolic biology, sociology, and earth and planetary sciences. Choose some that are from your own discipline, and some from unrelated fields.
  • Attend a Grad Slam Information and Prep Session hosted on Thursday, December 5, 11:00 a.m. – 12:30 p.m. or Thursday, December 19, 2:00 p.m. – 3:30 p.m. 

To learn more, register for the December 5 information session or the December 19 information session.

Step Two

December 2024: Create a Compelling Story about Your Research

  • Within any research project, there are many compelling stories to tell. A successful Grad Slam talk tells a single, clear, engaging narrative from start to finish. This could mean telling the story of why your research is exciting to you; it could mean connecting your research to ideas or experiences familiar to the general public; it could mean explaining why your research is urgent and impactful. Read the resources below to see a variety of different, successful strategies and write out your talk and prepare your slides.

Step Three

January 2025: Memorize, Practice, and Record Your Presentation

  • As former Grad Slam champion, Joe Charbonnet, put it, public speaking is “a psychomotor skill, not an innate talent.” Using the resources below, take some time to learn tips and techniques that can make you a better public speaker. Then, practice and get lots of feedback! Attend a session of the Toast of Berkeley (a Toastmasters club), or recruit a friend to be your sounding board.

Step Four

January 2025: Submit your application

The Deadline for video submissions using this APPLICATION FORM is January 31, 2025, 11:59 p.m. (PST)


Watch Former Semi-Finalists:

Tips for Very Short Presentations:

Presentation and Public Speaking Tips:

Need inspiration? Watch these talks: