Time to celebrate you.In recognition of the important contributions, impact, and value of our 13,000+ academic and professional graduate students at UC Berkeley, we are pleased to celebrate Graduate and Professional Student Appreciation Week April 5-11, 2023. With help from campus partners and your fellow graduate students, we’ve organized a week of over 15 virtual and in-person workshops, socials, and promotional giveaways. April 5 – Kick off GPSAW with free food and games! Graduate Student Spring Mixer Wednesday, April 5, 4 – 5:00 p.m. PT @ the Campanile. Food will be first come first served. RSVP Today. April 5 – 11 Choose from over 15 events – from free donuts, to tote bags and professional development workshops, check out the GPSAW calendar and RSVP to the events that work for you. April 11 – End the week with Grad Slam Tune in virtually to cheer on your fellow graduate students as they showcase their research in a series of three-minute talks. Tuesday, April 11, 3 – 5:00 p.m. PT via live stream. Register to watch.
Time to celebrate you.In recognition of the important contributions, impact, and value of our 13,000+ academic and professional graduate students at UC Berkeley, we are pleased to celebrate Graduate and Professional Student Appreciation Week April 5-11, 2023. With help from campus partners and your fellow graduate students, we’ve organized a week of over 15 virtual and in-person workshops, socials, and promotional giveaways. April 5 – Kick off GPSAW with free food and games! Graduate Student Spring Mixer Wednesday, April 5, 4 – 5:00 p.m. PT @ the Campanile. Food will be first come first served. RSVP Today. April 5 – 11 Choose from over 15 events – from free donuts, to tote bags and professional development workshops, check out the GPSAW calendar and RSVP to the events that work for you. April 11 – End the week with Grad Slam Tune in virtually to cheer on your fellow graduate students as they showcase their research in a series of three-minute talks. Tuesday, April 11, 3 – 5:00 p.m. PT via live stream. Register to watch.