Research, Teaching, and Learning (RTL) continues to offer workshops to support remote, hybrid, and in-person instruction which are open to all instructors and GSIs. Review upcoming workshops below and visit AIS upcoming events for all future events:

Join the RTL Announcements Google Group to get updates on upcoming workshops and events.

Consultations & Office Hours

  • Digital Learning Services (DLS): To schedule consultations with DLS for any of our services, please visit
  • Center for Teaching and Learning (CTL): Senior Consultants can conduct a Mid-Semester Inquiry (MSI) that allows instructors to learn about their students’ experiences while the course is in progress. In an MSI, a Senior Consultant gathers anonymous student feedback, meets in an individual consultation to debrief the feedback, and provides a memo summarizing emerging themes and strategies for improving student learning. It’s best to gather student feedback in weeks 4-6 of a course, though an MSI can be conducted at any point in the semester. Learn more about MSIs, other CTL consultation services, and how to schedule them on the Consultations section of the CTL website.
  • Research IT (RIT): Visit the Research IT office hours on Wednesdays from 1:30-3pm and Thursdays from 9:30-11am or schedule a consultation for help with your computing and data questions.

Service Desk Support

  • For just-in-time support, please contact ITCS Service Desk. Your support inquiries will be quickly triaged and forwarded to the appropriate DLS support group as needed.
  • Email: [email protected]
  • Webform: Create a ticket