Graduate students who live at International House, or aspire to, can to speak to their academic department about being nominated for a Gateway Fellowship for 2015-16.

The annual I-House Gateway Fellowships competition awards one eligible student (with financial need) per fellowship:

  • a full academic year of paid room and board for a single student
  • $5,000 stipend from the Graduate Division 
  • tuition and fees paid by the student’s academic department

To review the list of Gateway Fellowships visit the International House website. Interested graduate students should plan to apply for I-House Residential Admissions by late spring.

Although priority preference is given to incoming first year Ph.D. students, some fellowships are for continuing students. You may direct your academic department to the nomination form. The deadline is February 11, 2015. 

I-House has other scholarship opportunities to assist with partial room and board fees for 2015-16. View the “Grants and Scholarships” PDF under “Resources.” The Financial Aid application window will be announced later in January. For questions, call 642-2196 or email: [email protected].