The Edward W. Said Fellowship supports promising scholars early in their careers to produce scholarship that speaks across disciplinary boundaries, promotes humanistic inquiry in the service of intercultural communication and understanding, and engages the public.

Grants of up to $20,000 (depending upon length of stay) will be awarded to subsidize a short-term residency at Columbia University, from one month to one semester. Applicants are requested to specify the period and duration of their intended residency in New York City in their cover letter.

The Said Fellowship represents a significant departure from more traditional humanities fellowships in that it enables talented intellectuals to apply their academic scholarship to pressing global issues in the public sphere. For Said, cultural criticism was an ethical imperative. He believed it was the responsibility of humanists in the academy not only to reveal the links between culture and power but also to develop alternative modes of analysis to resist injustice.

The application deadline is February 1, 2018. For more information, visit The Heyman Center website.

Edward W. SaidLiterary critic and theorist, political analyst and activist, spokesman without peer for the Palestinian cause: Edward Said was one of the most influential intellectuals of his time. By both temperament and conviction a thorough cosmopolitan, Said was instrumental in expanding the intellectual landscape of the twentieth century, often crossing and sometimes redefining disciplinary borders. His restless, probing examination of the relationship between culture and politics is the hallmark of his work.