The Development Impact Lab (DIL) announced its Fall 2013 Explore travel grants of up to US $5,000 for international travel to develop a new science or technology idea or expand partnerships for research and technology implementation. DIL encourages applications for travel by graduate students and postdocs.

Proposals (no more than 500 words, using the grant template) are due October 1, 2013.

Proposals must be endorsed by the applicant’s UC Berkeley PI and fit into their lab’s research agenda. Successful applications lay the foundations for projects that foster the design, rigorous testing, or scale-up of technological solutions for international development. They also integrate science and engineering advances with targeted economic or social insights.

Please email [email protected] with questions and look for more grant opportunities from DIL in spring 2014 and beyond.

DIL is a USAID-funded network that aims to source, assess, and advance promising new technologies from universities. The Lab hosts ongoing prize contests, grant competitions, and other creative incentives for innovation. To find out about ongoing  DIL opportunities, including internships, GSR/GSI positions, speaker events, and more, sign up the mailing list [email protected] or go to