The Bancroft Library offers several graduate fellowships and awards. See the individual awards pages for details on eligibility, scope of funds, and timelines. The Bancroft Library Hill Study Award assists advanced graduate students from any University of California campus and is funded by the Kenneth E. and Dorothy V. Hill Fellowship Fund. Not offered every academic year. The Bancroft Library Meylan Study Award assists advanced graduate students from any recognized institution of higher education in the United States or abroad, and is funded by the Edward F. and Marianne E. Meylan Fellowship Fund. Not offered every academic year. The Bancroft Library Summer Study Award assists advanced graduate students from any University of California campus and is funded by the Friends of the Bancroft Library. The Arthur J. Quinn Memorial Fellowship, established in memory of Professor of Rhetoric Arthur Quinn (1942–1997), supports research by doctoral candidates in the history of California. The Gunther Barth Fellowship supports undergraduate or graduate students researching the 19th-century history of the North American West. $2,500 The Reese Fellowship, available to qualified researchers, supports work relating to either systematic bibliography of any part of the Western Hemisphere, or any investigation of the history of the book in the Americas. $2,500 The Robert E. Levinson Fellowship, available to qualified researchers, supports original research relating to the depth and breadth of the Jewish experience in California from 1848 to 1915. $1,000 The Donald Sidney-Fryer Fellowship, available to qualified researchers, supports research relating to the Clark Ashton Smith’s literary circle. $2,500 The deadline to apply is February 4, 2019 (the first Monday in February) by 5 pm.
The Bancroft Library offers several graduate fellowships and awards. See the individual awards pages for details on eligibility, scope of funds, and timelines. The Bancroft Library Hill Study Award assists advanced graduate students from any University of California campus and is funded by the Kenneth E. and Dorothy V. Hill Fellowship Fund. Not offered every academic year. The Bancroft Library Meylan Study Award assists advanced graduate students from any recognized institution of higher education in the United States or abroad, and is funded by the Edward F. and Marianne E. Meylan Fellowship Fund. Not offered every academic year. The Bancroft Library Summer Study Award assists advanced graduate students from any University of California campus and is funded by the Friends of the Bancroft Library. The Arthur J. Quinn Memorial Fellowship, established in memory of Professor of Rhetoric Arthur Quinn (1942–1997), supports research by doctoral candidates in the history of California. The Gunther Barth Fellowship supports undergraduate or graduate students researching the 19th-century history of the North American West. $2,500 The Reese Fellowship, available to qualified researchers, supports work relating to either systematic bibliography of any part of the Western Hemisphere, or any investigation of the history of the book in the Americas. $2,500 The Robert E. Levinson Fellowship, available to qualified researchers, supports original research relating to the depth and breadth of the Jewish experience in California from 1848 to 1915. $1,000 The Donald Sidney-Fryer Fellowship, available to qualified researchers, supports research relating to the Clark Ashton Smith’s literary circle. $2,500 The deadline to apply is February 4, 2019 (the first Monday in February) by 5 pm.