A way for a slice of you to help improve graduate education at Berkeley Your email may contain an invitation from Graduate Dean Andrew J. Szeri to participate in a survey about your graduate program this year. Or it might not; all academic departments are being covered, by sending it to a representative sample of grad students in each department. If you receive the survey, it’s important that you respond. The data in the survey will be used to help each department in its efforts to improve graduate programs. Thanks for your cooperation!
A way for a slice of you to help improve graduate education at Berkeley Your email may contain an invitation from Graduate Dean Andrew J. Szeri to participate in a survey about your graduate program this year. Or it might not; all academic departments are being covered, by sending it to a representative sample of grad students in each department. If you receive the survey, it’s important that you respond. The data in the survey will be used to help each department in its efforts to improve graduate programs. Thanks for your cooperation!