Fiona M. Doyle, Vice Provost for Graduate Studies and Dean of the Graduate Division

As we approach Thanksgiving, I’m aware of so many challenges that you and others are facing, due to natural disasters, political uncertainty, financial stress, and the demands of your graduate programs. It can be tough to give thanks with so much stress.  But research — such as reported by Berkeley’s Greater Good Science Center — is showing that cultivating a sense of gratitude helps us to recognize the good in our lives, manage negative emotions, and improve overall mental health over time.

Despite life’s challenges and stressors, there is much to appreciate: the beauty of our campus and region, the dedication of our colleagues, the generosity of friends. Helping to create and embrace a culture of gratefulness can improve both our everyday lives and long-term prospects. I invite you to do your own research — try some of the tips over the upcoming holiday season, and decide whether they work for you!

If your research or professional project is among the activities that you appreciate in your life — which I hope is true! — consider entering our Research and Project Essay Contest between now and January 10, 2018. Craft a brief story about your research or project, suitable for publication in this monthly e-newsletter. You may win a $100 Amazon gift card, as well as gain the satisfaction of sharing what you find fascinating about your graduate work.

Best wishes for Thanksgiving!

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Fiona M. Doyle
Vice Provost for Graduate Studies
and Dean of the Graduate Division