I hope that the upcoming winter break gives you a chance to catch your breath, spend time with family and friends, and have some fun. As you ponder New Year’s resolutions, don’t overlook the benefits of taking some steps to plan your future. This issue of Grad News includes a very useful compilation of professional development activities that you might consider, written by Muna Danish, one of the Graduate Division’s new Professional Development Liaisons. I’d also encourage all of you doing research to think about entering this year’s Grad Slam competition. Berkeley will be the defending champions at the 2019 Systemwide finals, after Joe Charbonnet’s victory last May, and I’d love to bring the “Slammy” back to Berkeley again. Finally, if your holiday plans include the great outdoors, as mine will, take some time to be appreciative of the work of Berkeley researchers like Joan Dudney, who gives us a peek here into her work probing the threats of climate change on whitebark pine and sensitive ecosystems. Have a wonderful holiday break! Best wishes, Fiona M. Doyle Vice Provost for Graduate Studies and Dean of the Graduate Division
I hope that the upcoming winter break gives you a chance to catch your breath, spend time with family and friends, and have some fun. As you ponder New Year’s resolutions, don’t overlook the benefits of taking some steps to plan your future. This issue of Grad News includes a very useful compilation of professional development activities that you might consider, written by Muna Danish, one of the Graduate Division’s new Professional Development Liaisons. I’d also encourage all of you doing research to think about entering this year’s Grad Slam competition. Berkeley will be the defending champions at the 2019 Systemwide finals, after Joe Charbonnet’s victory last May, and I’d love to bring the “Slammy” back to Berkeley again. Finally, if your holiday plans include the great outdoors, as mine will, take some time to be appreciative of the work of Berkeley researchers like Joan Dudney, who gives us a peek here into her work probing the threats of climate change on whitebark pine and sensitive ecosystems. Have a wonderful holiday break! Best wishes, Fiona M. Doyle Vice Provost for Graduate Studies and Dean of the Graduate Division