UHS/Tang signNew Student Guide to Getting Started — New to campus? Find out more about your campus health service by visiting University Health Service’s Go Tang, an online guide to getting started at the Tang Center.



Graduate Student Support Groups — Counseling and Psychological Services at University Health Services offers several groups for during the fall semester, some of which are specifically designed for graduate students: Graduate Women’s Support Group; Graduate Men’s Support Group; and Health and Wellness Skills Group. All groups begin in late September or early October. Call CPS at (510) 642-9494 to register for the groups; a phone-screening appointment is required prior to joining. For more information, visit CPS online.

SHIP reminder — Starting Fall 2011, University Health Services will begin the new 2011-12 University of California Student Health Insurance Plan (UC SHIP), a system-wide insurance plan covering more than 130,000 students. See more plan details on the UHS website. The SHIP fee for graduate students in 2011-12 will be $1075 per semester, or $2150 for 12 months of coverage.

Waiving SHIP enrollment — If you want SHIP coverage, no action is necessary. You will be enrolled automatically in SHIP and charged the health insurance fee on your campus E-Bill. You can choose to waive enrollment in SHIP by completing an online waiver application formNew graduate students must submit waiver forms by Tuesday, August 31, 2011. Waivers submitted between August 31 and September 15 will be charged a $50 late waiver service fee on the campus E-Bill. Absolutely no waivers will be accepted after September 15. Continuing graduate students SHIP waiver late deadline is Thursday, September 15, 2011. A $50 late waiver service fee will be added to the campus E-Bill.

Graduate Student Instructors and Researchers —  You may be eligible for remission of the health insurance fee. Please check with your hiring department.

For more information about SHIP, visit UHS online, call the Student Health Insurance Office at (510) 642-5700, or email [email protected]