A natural gas and electricity model proposed by students at UC Berkeley has been chosen as the winner of the Fuels Institute’s 2016 Future of Transportation Case Competition at the Institute’s annual meeting in San Francisco.

The Fuels Institute’s Case Competition asked each team to create an ideal future transportation (mass transit and consumer vehicles) sector looking 30 years in the future. Teams were asked to explain how consumers would travel from point A to point B within an urban, suburban and rural setting, describe which sustainable fueling options would be used in each area, and describe how their vision would affect vehicle ownership, vehicle use and fuel demand.

“Our vision is motivated by long-term social and economic goals, especially the mitigation of climate change,” Negah Nafisi, Alana Siegner and Mercedes Taylor, the University of California at Berkeley students, noted in their proposal. “Although the most severe consequences of America’s energy issues will occur outside the 30-year time frame of this challenge, adverse climate-driven impacts are already being felt in the U.S. and elsewhere.”

Their proposal aims to convert heavy-duty vehicles from predominantly diesel to adsorbed natural gas (ANG), as well as to transition the passenger vehicle sector to electric power.

The three finalists, Duke University, Morgan State University, and the University of California, Berkeley, were chosen from 20 teams of three or more students from 11 schools that registered for the competition. The finalists fielded Q&A from more than 80 professionals in the fuels and vehicle industries, who then selected a winner. UC Berkeley won first place; second place went to Duke University, and third place to Morgan State University. The submissions of the finalists and three honorable mentions will be published by the Fuels Institute.

The Fuels Institute is a non-profit research-oriented think tank dedicated to evaluating market issues related to vehicles and the fuels that power them. Led by a Board of Directors and driven by a Board of Advisors, the Fuels Institute incorporates the perspective of interested stakeholders affected by this market, including fuel retailers, fuel producers and refiners, alternative and renewable fuel producers, automobile manufacturers, environmental advocates, consumer organizations, academics, government entities, and other stakeholders with expertise in the fuels and automotive industries.