The TomKat UC Carbon Neutrality Project supports innovative multi-disciplinary research projects that will substantially accelerate progress of the University of California’s Carbon Neutrality Initiative. This project aims to address topics such as technology assessments (e.g, energy storage, pathways to transition off natural gas, integration of renewable energy), energy efficiency (both technological and financial issues), communications strategies (including field trials), economic incentives, and behavior modification that have high potential for advancing the UC’s system-wide goal to achieve zero net greenhouse gas emissions by 2025. This project, funded by the TomKat Charitable Trust, is a collaboration of the Institute for Energy Efficiency and the National Center for Ecological Analysis and Synthesis, at UC Santa Barbara. Proposals are solicited from any of the ten UC campuses and the three affiliated national laboratories. For detailed instructions about submitting the proposal and eligibility, visit the TomKat UC Carbon Neutrality Project website. The deadline for submission is April 18, 2016.
The TomKat UC Carbon Neutrality Project supports innovative multi-disciplinary research projects that will substantially accelerate progress of the University of California’s Carbon Neutrality Initiative. This project aims to address topics such as technology assessments (e.g, energy storage, pathways to transition off natural gas, integration of renewable energy), energy efficiency (both technological and financial issues), communications strategies (including field trials), economic incentives, and behavior modification that have high potential for advancing the UC’s system-wide goal to achieve zero net greenhouse gas emissions by 2025. This project, funded by the TomKat Charitable Trust, is a collaboration of the Institute for Energy Efficiency and the National Center for Ecological Analysis and Synthesis, at UC Santa Barbara. Proposals are solicited from any of the ten UC campuses and the three affiliated national laboratories. For detailed instructions about submitting the proposal and eligibility, visit the TomKat UC Carbon Neutrality Project website. The deadline for submission is April 18, 2016.