The California Alliance partners are collaborating on a Mentor Matching Program to make it easy for advanced graduate students and postdocs to undertake extended visits to laboratories and research groups within the California Alliance at that critical stage when they are planning their next career move. The California Alliance will match students and post docs with mentors in their area of research, and provide funding for them to visit a mentor or research group of their choosing in order to share their work and ideas, learn new techniques and approaches,engage in collaborative discussions and innovation, and broaden their career opportunities. Visits are nominally expected to be of about one-week duration, and travel and accommodation support of up to $1000/visit will be provided. Eligibility Applications are accepted on a rolling basis and are reviewed throughout the year. Eligible individuals include graduate students and postdocs in the mathematical, physical, and computer sciences, and in engineering who belong to an underrepresented minority group. How to Apply To apply to be matched with a faculty mentor in your research area among the Alliance institutions, or at a partnering national laboratory, please visit the California Alliance website and submit a request to be matched with a mentor. The California Alliance is an unprecedented collaboration among four of our nation’s premier research institutions — Berkeley, UCLA, Stanford, and Caltech. The California Alliance is also partnering with our affiliated national laboratories, including Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory (LBNL), Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory (LLNL), Stanford Linear Accelerator Laboratory (SLAC), Sandia National Laboratory, and the Jet Propulsion Laboratory (JPL). Dedicated to the goal of achieving diversity at the highest levels of the scientific workforce, the scholars in this alliance aspire to and are being prepared for the most sought-after positions in academia and research in the Mathematical, Physical, and Computer sciences, and in Engineering (MPC&E). The California Alliance for Graduate Education and the Professoriate is a NSF Alliance for Graduate Education and the Professoriate (AGEP-T.)
The California Alliance partners are collaborating on a Mentor Matching Program to make it easy for advanced graduate students and postdocs to undertake extended visits to laboratories and research groups within the California Alliance at that critical stage when they are planning their next career move. The California Alliance will match students and post docs with mentors in their area of research, and provide funding for them to visit a mentor or research group of their choosing in order to share their work and ideas, learn new techniques and approaches,engage in collaborative discussions and innovation, and broaden their career opportunities. Visits are nominally expected to be of about one-week duration, and travel and accommodation support of up to $1000/visit will be provided. Eligibility Applications are accepted on a rolling basis and are reviewed throughout the year. Eligible individuals include graduate students and postdocs in the mathematical, physical, and computer sciences, and in engineering who belong to an underrepresented minority group. How to Apply To apply to be matched with a faculty mentor in your research area among the Alliance institutions, or at a partnering national laboratory, please visit the California Alliance website and submit a request to be matched with a mentor. The California Alliance is an unprecedented collaboration among four of our nation’s premier research institutions — Berkeley, UCLA, Stanford, and Caltech. The California Alliance is also partnering with our affiliated national laboratories, including Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory (LBNL), Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory (LLNL), Stanford Linear Accelerator Laboratory (SLAC), Sandia National Laboratory, and the Jet Propulsion Laboratory (JPL). Dedicated to the goal of achieving diversity at the highest levels of the scientific workforce, the scholars in this alliance aspire to and are being prepared for the most sought-after positions in academia and research in the Mathematical, Physical, and Computer sciences, and in Engineering (MPC&E). The California Alliance for Graduate Education and the Professoriate is a NSF Alliance for Graduate Education and the Professoriate (AGEP-T.)