Tang Center on Bancroft All UC Berkeley students, faculty and staff who were on campus August 24-29 should assess their risk of measles. WHAT YOU SHOULD DO: 1) Assess your risk level 2) Review your immunization records, and get the MMR vaccine if you haven’t already 3) Watch for symptoms 4) Stay home if you are sick and contact your health provider. For more information: http://bit.ly/measleshealthalert.
Tang Center on Bancroft All UC Berkeley students, faculty and staff who were on campus August 24-29 should assess their risk of measles. WHAT YOU SHOULD DO: 1) Assess your risk level 2) Review your immunization records, and get the MMR vaccine if you haven’t already 3) Watch for symptoms 4) Stay home if you are sick and contact your health provider. For more information: http://bit.ly/measleshealthalert.