Hosei University, a private institution in Tokyo, Japan, invites young scholars from abroad who are enrolled in a doctoral degree program or already have a doctorate to apply to the Hosei International Fund Fellowship Program to carry out non-degree research programs at Hosei under the direction of and/or in cooperation with Hosei faculty and researchers. Research areas include humanities, social or natural sciences, and engineering. The fellowship period ranges from six to 12 months. An HIF Fellow can receive all or part of economy class transportation expenses for travel to and from Japan. For the fellowship grant, an HIF Fellow can receive ¥300,000 each month. Information regarding details and conditions, as well as the application, may be found on the Hosei University website. Application documents must reach the Global Education Center of Hosei University by Friday, June 3, 2016.
Hosei University, a private institution in Tokyo, Japan, invites young scholars from abroad who are enrolled in a doctoral degree program or already have a doctorate to apply to the Hosei International Fund Fellowship Program to carry out non-degree research programs at Hosei under the direction of and/or in cooperation with Hosei faculty and researchers. Research areas include humanities, social or natural sciences, and engineering. The fellowship period ranges from six to 12 months. An HIF Fellow can receive all or part of economy class transportation expenses for travel to and from Japan. For the fellowship grant, an HIF Fellow can receive ¥300,000 each month. Information regarding details and conditions, as well as the application, may be found on the Hosei University website. Application documents must reach the Global Education Center of Hosei University by Friday, June 3, 2016.