Are you a Berkeley student, staff member, or faculty looking for a little help with data science? Not sure how to use a Jupyter notebook? Need to learn a little SQL, Python, or data visualization for a research project? Need help with a data science module in one of your courses? Data peer consulting can help! Students in UC Berkeley’s data consulting network help make data science accessible across the broader campus community. Launched in Fall 2017, these services are provided as a collaboration between the Center for Connected Learning in UC Berkeley’s Moffitt Library; D-Lab; Research IT; and the Division of Computing, Data Science, and Society. Visit the Data Peer Consulting website to find out when consultants are available for drop-in consultations. This project is funded through the Student Tech Fund.
Are you a Berkeley student, staff member, or faculty looking for a little help with data science? Not sure how to use a Jupyter notebook? Need to learn a little SQL, Python, or data visualization for a research project? Need help with a data science module in one of your courses? Data peer consulting can help! Students in UC Berkeley’s data consulting network help make data science accessible across the broader campus community. Launched in Fall 2017, these services are provided as a collaboration between the Center for Connected Learning in UC Berkeley’s Moffitt Library; D-Lab; Research IT; and the Division of Computing, Data Science, and Society. Visit the Data Peer Consulting website to find out when consultants are available for drop-in consultations. This project is funded through the Student Tech Fund.