Congratulations to the 2023-2024 Graduate Assembly (GA) Executive Board, Officers, and Graduate Council Representatives! Starting May 1, both outgoing and incoming executive board members share their leadership roles to provide a month of transition before the AY23-24 board assumes direction of the Graduate Assembly on June 1:

McKalee Steen

McKalee Steen


PhD student in the Environmental Science, Policy, and Management Department. She previously served as External Affairs Vice President with the GA.

Krish Desai

Campus Affairs Vice President

PhD student in Physics. Previously Campus Affairs Vice President & Rules Officer.

Angikaar Singh Chana

Internal Vice President

Master’s in Data Science student.

Taylor Washington

External Affairs Vice President

Social Welfare student.

Drew Kiser

Drew Kiser

Vice President of Equity and Inclusion

PhD English student. Continuing his role from last year.

Allyson Tang

Allyson Tang

Vice President of Finance

5th year doctoral student in the Department of East Asian Languages and Cultures. Continuing her role from last year.

Josh Hahn

Funding Officer

Chemical and Biomolecular Engineering PhD student


Christopher Geary

Labor Liaison

English PhD student.

Graham Northrup

Rules Officer

PhD candidate in Computational Biology