February 19 @ 10:00 AM - 12:00 PM Python Data Visualization: Part 1 of 2 This workshop provides an introduction to visualization with Python. We will cover visualization principles and plotting with Matplotlib and Seaborn, working through examples in a Jupyter notebook and documentation of each plotting package. We’ll also learn about styles and customizing plots. Throughout the workshop, we’ll discuss the plot types best suited for particular kinds of data. The following plot types will be covered: Histogram Barplot Boxplot Scatterplot Lineplot Subplot We'll also learn about styles and customizing plots. Throughout the workshop, we'll discuss the plot types best suited for particular kinds of data.
February 19 @ 11:00 AM - 1:00 PM Breaking the Code [Switch] Workshop Inclusive Excellence Hub: 103 Conference Room 2515 Channing Way, Berkeley This workshop is presented by UC Berkeley Psychology Clinic and Office for Graduate Diversity and will include tips for addressing microaggressions, coping with code-switching and belonging-related stress, and finding mentors while navigating the whiteness of academia. *Food will be provided!* Please RSVP using this RSVP form.
February 19 @ 2:00 PM - 3:00 PM Group Chat on Working with Academic Mentors and Advisors (In-Person) Join an interactive session to exchange ideas and collaborate with GradPro staff and your fellow graduate students. Together, you’ll explore strategies for fostering strong, productive relationships with academic mentors and advisors. Snacks and drinks will be provided. Learn more and sign-up for the group chat in the registration form.
February 19 @ 3:00 PM - 4:30 PM Syllabus & Course Design Are you responsible for designing a course and syllabus for this coming summer or next fall? Are you interested in developing a syllabus for the academic job search? In this workshop, participants will learn ways to turn their syllabus ideas into integrated courses and will work out criteria for selecting course materials, assignments, and methods of assessment.