February 12 @ 9:00 AM - February 16 @ 5:00 PM UC Love Data Week 2024 Online via Zoom UC Libraries and their partners are collaborating on another UC-wide “Love Data Week” from February 12-16, 2024. This will be a jam-packed week of talks, presentations, and workshops all about data! All members of the UC community are invited to attend these events to gain hands-on experience, learn about resources, and engage in discussions about data. With over 20 presentations and workshops, whether you’re working on qualitative or quantitative data, there’s plenty to choose from. ➡️ Visit the UC Love Data Week website to learn more and register for workshops.⬅️ All events are free to attend and open to any member of the UC community! Please reach out to [email protected] with questions
February 13 @ 9:00 AM - 10:00 AM Los Angeles Review of Books Summer Publishing Workshop Info Session #1 Online via Zoom The 2024 LARB Publishing Workshop will be online (fully remote) from June 24 to July 26, 2024. Fellows from around the world will learn from over 40 speakers representing presses, magazines, literary organizations, and new media companies. They will have the opportunity to network one-on-one with speaker and LA Review of Books staff while working on job application materials. Join the LARB Publishing Workshop Director, Lindsay Wright, Workshop Coordinator, Livia Lima, and alumni to learn more about the workshop and applications. Questions are welcome! The First Info Session is Tuesday, February 13, 9 - 10 a.m. PST
February 13 @ 10:00 AM - 11:30 AM Transition to Research Independence: Funding and Grantsmanship Virtual The ability to successfully apply for extramural funding is a critical skill for academic investigators, including graduate students, postdoctoral scientists, and other junior investigators. Grantsmanship involves much more than simply writing the application. Investigators must identify funding agencies that align with their research interests and understand the goals of different types of funding programs. Graduate students and postdoctoral fellows gain crucial experience in this area by submitting grant applications early in their careers, impacting their future success as independent investigators. Join The Academy as Dr. Jaime Rubin, Vice Chair for Investigator Development at Columbia University, addresses relevant topics and skills required for successful funding and grantsmanship. Registration required.
February 13 @ 10:00 AM - 1:00 PM Stata Fundamentals: Part 1 of 3 Virtual This workshop is a three-part introductory series that will teach you Stata from scratch with clear introductions, concise examples, and support documents.
February 13 @ 12:00 PM - 2:00 PM Networking with Deloitte Virtual Interested in networking with Deloitte professionals and recruiters? RSVP to meet Deloitte professionals virtually in a 1-1 setting in our Explore Deloitte Networking Series!
February 13 @ 12:00 PM - 4:00 PM 2024 Investment Banking, Private Equity & Asset Management Forum Virtual The Investment Banking, Private Equity, & Asset Management Forum is expressly for students seeking full-time or internship opportunities in all areas of Investment Banking, Private Equity, & Asset Management.
February 13 @ 12:00 PM - 4:00 PM 2024 Spring Architecture and Environmental Design Career & Internship Fair MLK Jr. Student Union, Pauley Ballroom MLK Jr. Student Union, Berkeley All majors and degree levels are welcome to attend; employers will specifically be seeking to fill Architecture and Environmental Design roles.
February 13 @ 1:30 PM - 3:30 PM Creating and Using Grading Rubrics Virtual In this workshop, participants will have the opportunity to practice using and creating a rubric and to discuss how rubrics can be used to foster student learning and promote equity.